01 September 2009

with loves

was heard a bad news fr0m my mother
my uncle (mother's bro) was pass away in the evening
because 0f BLOOD CANCER
bef0re he died
he asked my an0ther uncle
why we didnt g0 and visit him
we're s0 sorry , uncle
cant to see you in the last m0ment

now my parent was driving back to taiping
my father ask me wan to go back or not
if want then ask me to take bus for going back
after that follow them back to kt again
althought i n0thing do at here :)
i h0pe i can back so .
uhhmmm ~
but ... ...
from s'pore back to taiping have to sit 10+ hours bus leh
very l0ng wehhh `
mai la mai la .
heeee ~

0kays lahs
its late now
wish my uncle
' rest in peace '

with love